As part of our trip to Shanghai for the “Global Dialog on Liberal Arts” we visited NYU Shanghai and met with their leadership team, which included Jeffrey S. Lehman, former President of Cornell, and now Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai, David Fitch, their Dean of Arts and Sciences, Keith Ross, Dean of Engineering and Computer Science, and Jun Zhang, Co-Director of the Applied Math Laboratory at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. The group met with me and Yale-NUS College President Pericles Lewis, and we discussed a number of aspects of the NYU Shanghai curriculum, and toured their campus, which is located in a single tall building close to the center of Shanghai. Jeffrey Lehman was especially interesting and had a number of great ideas for faculty development and I discussed with him the possibility of collaborating on some workshops for online education and active pedagogy that could leverage the connections between NYU and NYU Shanghai and Yale and Yale-NUS. The parallels between NYU Shanghai and Yale-NUS were also apparent as both institutions are providing a unique and new form of education to a student body that provides a different classroom dynamic than the US and that offers great opportunities for faculty and student to combine the best of Asian and Western cultures.
These are some of the photos from our Caltech/Pomona Undergraduate Astronomy Institute at Pomona College on June 26 and 27, 2015. You can click on the photos for larger downloadable full-sized images.
In late May, I had the privilege of visiting Duke Kunshan University, or DKU, with Pericles Lewis, the Yale-NUS College President. At our meeting we met with the DKU Chancellor, Lui Jingnan, and his Executive Vice Chancellor, Mary Brown Bullock, along withPatrick S. Moreton, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs,Luke Li, director of the Chancellor’s office and Keith Dear, who is working on studying health effects from global climate change. The DKU campus was remarkable (photos are below), with very advanced facilities for global classrooms – with video cameras that can track the speaker and provide real time interactive classrooms with partner institutions such as Duke, and any other institutions with high-speed internet. The campus has been used as a conference center and home to the DKY Global Learning Semester, which with its partner from Wuhan University, has been offering innovative courses for a mix of Chinese and American students. These courses are often offered by visiting Duke professors, such as my friend and fellow ACE fellow, Noah Pickus who described his experience teaching at DKU in his blog piece entitled a “Kushan Diary.” In the piece he describes a classroom dynamic reminiscent of Yale-NSU College in Singapore, where students are coming from very different backgrounds from the US, and both student and faculty are gaining deep insights from the sharing of their cultures.
We discussed some aspects of the curriculum that DKU hopes to offer when it begins its work as an undergraduate and graduate university in about 2018. The curriculum is being developed by a group at Duke University, and our team at Yale-NUS College met with them in North Carolina back in 2013, when both Yale-NUS and DKU were just drawings on blueprints. It is remarkable to see DKU come together, and our team at Yale-NUS looks forward to working with them as they design their curriculum. A very nice tour of the campus and delicious 8 course Chinese lunch concluded our visit. We wish DKU the best and look forward to hosting them as Yale-NUS formally opens it campus on October 11-12, 2015.
During late April I took a trip to Seoul, to give a talk at the Seoul National University, where my friend and fellow astronomer, Myungshin Im, runs an institution known as the Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe. The campus of SNU was stunning, with all manner of Azalea flowers and impressive new buildings for alternative energy research, engineering and for other academic buildings.
While talking to Myungshin, I learned about his far-flung telescope empire – this includes telescopes in Kazakhstan, Australia and across Korea, as well as a part-time telescope in Hawaii (the UKIRT telescope on Mauna Kea). Myung Shin is able to build instruments in Seoul and take them out to the various telescopes, then operate the telescopes to help monitor newly erupting supernovae and other variable sources. It is an impressive feat of technical prowess and time management. The Australian telescope is a plane-wave 0.43-meter telescope, which can be purchased for a relatively low cost of $100,000. I also learned some new things about Korea’s ancient astronomy heritage – Myungshin’s center had an ancient Joseon dynasty sky map from about 1400 that is reminiscent of the Suchow planisphere from China from 1100 AD. Myung Shin also showed me a photograph of one of the oldest intact observatories in the world – a Korean stone observing platform from 800AD. My talk went well and I really enjoy meeting with the graduate students and learning more about the diverse range of astrophysics research in South Korea.
We also had a nice dinner with Myung Shin and one of his SNU colleagues, where we dined on the amazing Korean BBQ food, and even tried some of the interesting rice beer from Korea. A wonderful experience – and a chance to see SNU, which is a vast and dynamic university in a very beautiful and serene setting. SNU was founded back in 1895, and had a location in central Seoul. It was only recently moved to its present campus in 1975 – which is known as the Gwanak campus – which used to be a Samsung Corporation retreat. This explains the very new buildings and large open spaces and parks which gives the campus a very peaceful feeling. After my trip to SNU I was very excited about astrophysics and academic in Korea and look forward to coming back!
During late April, I had the opportunity to observe with the 2.3-meter telescope at the Vainu Bappu Observatory, in Tamil Nadu, India. This observatory was built in the 1960’s and for a long time had India’s largest telescope. My project involved using the telescope to detect absorption lines from interstellar clouds in front of stars, to map the locations of these clouds in our local galaxy. This “galactic cartography” project builds on some earlier work and extends the map of interstellar clouds beyond 300pc out to about 600 pc, or 1800 light years. The observing was slowed quite a bit by the weather – India was experiencing the monsoon a bit earlier than usual! As a result my four nights reduced to just about 6-7 hours of observing; and some of those through clouds. This did not prevent me from having a wonderful experience walking through the region – which is home to many animals including monkees, elephants, very interesting birds, and a cast of exotic butterflies, bats, and beetles. The walks also featured beautiful flowering plants – a long stand of Jacaranda trees forms an axis through the center of the observatory, and Frangipani trees, Bougainvillea, and other flowering trees made for a riot of color. Nearby the observatory are two small villages, which I walked to and was greeted by several in the town who were wondering why I was walking about in the remote part of Tamil Nadu in the middle of the day. There were also some fantastic people at the site – a crew of graduate students who were working on their masters degree from Indian Institute of Astrophysics in astronomical instrumentation, and professor Arun Mangalam was up on site, having a chance to write some very interesting papers with his students on the magnetic fields of our galaxy, and its halo. There is something special about being at the VBO, or any observatory. On this trip I had a chance to talk with the other astronomers over dhosas and idlis, and to think deeply about astrophysics! I also managed to get a good chunk of a paper written during the four days too, so despite the unreliable weather, the visit was productive scientifically – and a wonderful experience!
Views of the grounds of the Vainu Bappu Observatory – showing the beautiful flowering trees and quiet countryside
Soeme of the VBO telescopes – which features a solar telescope (left), a 1-meter telescope (center) and the 2.3-meter telescope (right)
The 2.3-meter telescope in Panorama mode – this was the telescope I was using, with its amazing echelle spectrograph
The surroundings featured a village with a nice temple, some friendly goats, and a large number of monkees – who were everywhere!
During my trip to India, I had a wonderful opportunity to meet with some of the staff at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore to learn more about their innovative approaches to studying the rapid expansion of India’s urban areas. The IIHS runs a Master’s program in Urban Practice ( , and conducts research that combines demographic data, GIS, and satellite imaging to give a snapshot of India’s urban areas and other settlements, and the future of those cities and villages. This sort of interdisciplinary work is very important for enabling comprehension of the complex interfaces between politics, economic development and the environment – especially as India grapples with the compounding effects of global climate change that will have huge impacts on the Indian water supplies and agriculture. They are hoping to expand to a new campus and offer undergraduate programs as well, using teams of undergraduates to help study the challenges facing India in case studies, field work and original research, as they learn techniques to help India plan for its future decades.
In my meetings I discussed with Neha Sami, some of the ways in which IIHS is able to visualize data with overlays of GIS and demographic research. She presented some very interesting figures that documented some of the movements within India of labor and some of the breakdown within India by gender in literacy, workforce participation and other variables. These visualization come from the IIHS “Urban Informatics Lab” and very powerfully document shifts of millions of Indians from rural to urban areas, and inequities within India that prevent women from achieving full participation in the workforce and in literacy.
In the evening I also had a great chance to give a public talk at IIHS about my book “The Power of Stars – How Celestial Observations have Shaped Civilization.” The talk drew a good crowd of about 25 people from Bangalore and we had a fun discussion about all aspects of astronomy, alignments within both ancient and modern cities, and constellation lore and the large-scale structure of the universe. You can see the entire talk on YouTube at this link:
A few weeks ago, we took our daughter Asha to see the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit in Singapore. A few things were remarkable about the exhibit. From the beginning it emphasized the interconnections between the different aspects of Leonardo’s work, and with nature, politics, and the entire cultural milieu of his time. The theme of “everything connects” opens the exhibit, and emphasizes that Leonardo viewed the natural world as “living, dynamic, and profoundly interconnected” which is an approach that inspired his work.
The other realization that came from viewing the exhibit was in the end of the sentence – Leonardo “relentlessly pursued” these interconnections. Within the exhibit are displays of pages from his notebooks, and models of some of his inventions. The notebooks reveal the “relentless” effort of Leonardo’s mind – which often one imagines brought insight and discovery effortlessly. Instead Leonardo filled page after page with sketches of birds in flight, as he tried to see how to design a flying machine, literally hundreds of different figures with inscribed polygons within circles within triangles as he sought geometric principles that he would later apply to his (failed) bid to design the Milan cathedral, and within these analytical pursuits of underlying fundamental principles emerges great beauty. The pages explode with beauty in the form of sketches that reveal a mind at work – both breaking down and analyzing the object at hand, while creating a unique synthesis that reveals how these principles connect to large systems being considered – flying machines, military forts, cathedrals.
This simultaneous display of analysis and synthesis itself is a source of wonder, and brings great beauty to his notebooks and a sensibility that is rare to see in any age. The exhibit was great to remind us about how important it is to preserve inspiration, and to look for those interconnections – something that our universities might call “interdisciplinary work.” The exhibit wonderfully emphasizes that this form of “systemic thinking” is of vital importance as we seek solutions to the complex problems facing our world. Thankfully our new Yale-NUS College is taking this approach in our science curriculum – and our Foundations of Science class next year will have students work in interdisciplinary teams to solve “grand challenge problems” facing our environment using the kind of interconnected and systemic thinking pioneered by Leonardo. It is exciting to be reminded of both the beauty and urgency of this kind of thought.
During my visit to Bangalore I had the unique privilege of meeting with the faculty of the new Azim Premji University in Bangalore. Like many new universities in India, Azim Premji University has been founded by a private philanthropy – in this case from the eponymous foundation started by the founder of the Indian electronics company Wipro. Unlike many private universities in India, Azim Premji is founded with very clear social goals to promote development in rural India. Their university has been founded with the goal to create a new generation of graduates who can return to villages to teach and to develop India in its broadest sense.
The current Azim Premji University is located in a temporary home in a Tech campus known as the “PES Institution of Technology” which itself is located in a place called “Pixel Park.” Since so much of Bangalore’s new economy (including Azim Premji) arose from electronics and computers, the location seemed appropriate! I was joined in the visit by Lakshmi Saripalli from the Raman Research Institution (RRI), who co-organized the Future of Liberal Arts in India conference in Bangalore in January 2014 at RRI.
We met with Venu Narayan, who is leading the new Azim Premji undergraduate school, and a team of the Azim Premji University professors who are hoping to launch their new undergraduate program with their “first batch” this July. Venu described how the students were selected, and how they include over 35% of students who are disadvantaged, with over 50% from rural villages, and in many cases with parents unable to read. Azim Premji makes use of its strong presence in rural India to connect with social welfare organizations that provide secondary education for these children, and then is able to provide tertiary education for a select group of rural students who show strong motivation and interest in helping society. Their admissions process involves interviewing all of the potential candidates, and looking for students who can think outside the box and who have strong and sincere motivation. Their goal is to avoid the “engineering treadmill” and instead to develop students who can promote justice, ask good questions, and be firmly rooted in their own society – with a strong emphasis on Indian culture, politics and aesthetics.
Some of the courses they described were quite interesting – a First Year seminar course in writing and critical thinking, themed towards topics within the Azim Premji mission; a set of courses broadly titled “Understanding India” which will include mixes of social sciences, humanities and sciences, and a full set of science courses which enable the new university to offer majors in Physics, Biology, Economics and Humanities. The group of professors included Usha Rajaram, formerly of UWC Pune, who is helping to develop the humanities curriculum, and Rajaram Nityanada, former director of India’s National Center for Radio Astrophysics, who is helping develop the physics and science curriculum. Within the group was a remarkable spirit – a mix of heady enthusiasm in writing an entirely new curriculum, and also a bit of trepidation, with students due to arrive in just a few months!
The new Azim Premji undergraduate program is part of the constellation of new private universities offering new undergraduate liberal arts programs within India that include Ashoka University, O.P. Jindal Global University, Shiv Nadar University, IIHS, and Ahmedabad University. Azim Premji, with its mission to help underpriviledged students and promote social justice and development, aims to be different, and it will be exciting to watch as this new undergraduate program starts and expands into its new campus in the coming years.
The Azim Premji temporary campus in Pixel Park, Bangalore. Their new campus is being developed and should open in about 3 years. For now they are using a set of floors within the PES Institute of TechnlogyA closeup of the Azim Premji Pixel park sign, showing their floors in their temporary quarters.
The third of the tetrad of lunar eclipses was enjoyed by a lively group of about 20 faculty and 15 students on the roof of Kent Vale 2. The cloudy skies of Singapore gave way to a spectacular viewing of the moon. Shuin Jian Wu brought his telescope, and we also had our trusty Yale-NUS 0.125 meter telescope to look at Jupiter and the moon. Some of the spectacular pictures are below. Pizza, beer and lively conversation made the cosmic spectacle even more memorable!I can’t wait until the next (and final) lunar eclipse of the series next September!
During our Yale-NUS College Astrophysics tea series, we had a chance to visit the NUS satellite lab. In this lab, students and faculty from NUS, led by Dr. Cher Hiang Goh, have been building a nano-sat called Gallissia, which contains two experiments – one to measure the electron density above Singapore, and another from the Quantum Physics group to measure entangled photons in space.Victor Loke and Eugene Han gave us a wonderful tour of the lab, explained how the nanosat concept worked, the architecture for their particular satellite. They showed us the clean room, and the way that they assemble the bus and other parts for the satellite – even giving us a chance to pass around some of the components of the satellite. The stabilization is done through a hysteresis electronic drive, where the Lorentz force upon a pair of parallel wires can be used to point the satellite in different directions and keep it oriented correctly. The propagation of a radio wave from the satellites 500 km orbit altitude will be delayed slightly by electrons in the ionosphere, and the phase shift from these electrons can be used to calculate electron density which will make GPS devices more accurate. Our students really enjoyed the tour, and we saw the Kent Ridge microsat that NUS is also building – some of Singapore’s first ever space missions!
Dr. Goh also explained how important this sort of experience is for students, who have a chance to help test, assemble and even launch the spacecraft! He mentioned that our Yale-NUS liberal arts students are particularly helpful for space science, as a mission depends both on its technical excellence, and an awareness of the other economic, social and political factors around the use of a spacecraft, as well as on marketing and human factors – all elements covered within the liberal arts!