Online Research Talk

As part of my outreach to potential new students, and to the larger astronomical world, I have an online research talk!  This will help give an overview of the work I have been doing in solar system studies, spectroscopy of the local interstellar medium, quasar absorption line astrophysics, and my newest projects with the Caltech Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and also with the GROWTH network of telescopes.

If you are interested in doing research with me – either as an undergraduate at Soka University of America or Pomona College, please send an email to me at and I will be happy to give you more information on opportunities to work on some of these projects!  The links below initiate downloads of movies that describe some of the research projects I have been working on in recent years. Enjoy!

Part 1: Introduction intro.small

Part 2: The Pomona College Observatories – Brackett Observatory, the 1-meter telescope and KAPAO.  – pomona.observing.system

Part 3: Solar System Research – Jupiter Observations, Robotic Telescope in New Mexico and other possibilities. solar.system.small

Part 4: Yale and Yale-NUS resources in Chile – the SMARTS telescopes and 1.5-meter CHIRON spectrograph.  ctio.resources

Part 5: Local ISM mapping project using CTIO 1.5-meter telescope. local.ism.mapping

Part 6: Quasar Absorption Line studies of the IGM – overview and introduction. quasar.absorption.intro

Part 7: Quasar Absorption Line studies of Damped Lyman Alpha systems – the lowest metallicity systems and signatures of the first stars. quasar.absorption.line.lowZstudy.part1

Part 8: Quasar Absorption Line studies of Damped Lyman Alpha systems – further studies of metallicity of the intergalactic medium.

Part 9: Quasar Absorption Line studies of Deuterium – the D/H ratio from our DLA sample.

Part 10: The Zwicky Transient Facility and opportunities for undergraduate research. ZTFtalk.small




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