STEM Innovation Symposium, Yale-NUS, April 2017

Our Yale-NUS Centre for Teaching and Learning sponsored a conference on STEM Innovation in Singapore on April 27 and 28, 2017, and we arranged a very interesting set of sessions from leading educators from across Singapore, with speakers from NUS, Yale-NUS, NTU, SUTD, and other Singapore institutions, as well as visitors from Stanford University.

Our keynote speaker, Nobel prize winner Carl Wieman, discussed STEM education and provided a public lecture on “Taking a Scientific Approach to Science Education” and a workshop on “Promoting Active Learning in the Classroom.”  The conference was sponsored by the Yale-NUS CTL, and our organizing committee included Eunice Tan (Yale-NUS), Tim Wertz (Yale-NUS), Kiat Hwa Chan (Yale-NUS), Bryan Penprase (Yale-NUS), and Adrian Lee (NUS). The conference featured keynote talks by Drew Endy (Stanford), Sandy Cook (Duke-NUS), Bob Kamei (NUS), Adrian Lee (NUS), and Matt Stamps (Yale-NUS), as well as the workshop and public talk by Carl Wieman.  Separate blog posts on this site report on some of the highlights of the conference.


me.and.carl.wieman carl.wieman.talking steminnovation.day1 - 6 steminnovation.day1 - 5 steminnovation.day1 - 8 steminnovation.day1 - 7 wieman.with.students