Why a Media Platform? This web site is a place to record some of the many exciting educational projects and ideas that have come from my work in the past several years. I have had the privilege to work at Yale, Caltech, Pomona, Yale-NUS College in Singapore, and now at Soka University of America (SUA), where I have served for three years as Dean of Faculty, and now am working as Vice President for Sponsored Research and External Academic Relations. This global odyssey has given me a chance to visit over 100 campuses around the world, work with many of the most exciting professors, academic leaders and creative people in the world. I wanted a place to put down a record of some of the ideas, meetings, programs, classes, short courses, and explorations. These together provide a broad overview of the many threads of my work, which are all converging on new models for undergraduate education. These models are innovative, authentic, experiential, engaged, and relevant to the student and to society. They are hopefully going to have a major impact on how universities and colleges operate in the coming decades. While my recent work in my position as Dean of Faculty at SUA has prevented me from updating the platform fully, I plan to begin posting again now that I my role as VP is more externally facing. I hope you enjoy reading some of the articles from my work in recent years.
I hope you find the site stimulating, interesting and informative! Please send me an email if you have any ideas, comments, suggestions or question – I would love to hear from you!
I can be reached at bryanepenprase@gmail.com. Thanks for your interest!