Welcome to our ZTF Summer Undergraduate Astronomy Institute Web site! Eric Bellm, the Caltech Project Scientist for ZTF and Bryan Penprase from Pomona College and Co-I on the ZTF project, have been working together on a program for astrophysics undergraduates working both at Caltech and at Pomona College this summer. The program is known as the “Summer Undergraduate Astronomy Institute” and is intended to help students learn about the science and technology surrounding their summer research projects, and to learn more about ZTF – the Zwicky Transient Factory. ZTF promises to be the premier instrument for discovering supernovae, variable stars and new asteroids, and this Institute will give you a great overview of techniques in time-domain astrophysics, observational astronomy and instrument development.
The institute is scheduled for four days – June 24-27 and includes two days at Caltech, and two days at Pomona College, along with an additional day at Palomar Observatory (with an evening at the 200″) on July 19. You can find more information on the Program, Participants, and some useful resources for Python and ZTF at this site!