After being a student again for much of Fall semester, I have graduated! This effort was to obtain a postgraduate certificate in the Scholarship of Educational Leadership (SoEL) in Curriculum and Pedagogy from the University of British Columbia (UBC). The program is organized by Harry Hubball, and has been offered across the world to groups of academics in universities in Asia, Africa, North America and Europe. The UBC program is described at this link: At the National University of Singapore they have had two cohorts of SoEL graduates, who are nominated by the Provost of NUS, or in my case by the Yale-NUS College. The experience included writing an SoEL portfolio, that included an educational leadership statement, a review of the SoTL literature in three different theme areas, an internal formative document assessing an area of work that I am doing at Yale-NUS College (in my case interdisciplinary science courses), and an educational research project which is presented in writing and in a presentation. My research project was to assess the Yale-NUS College Foundations of Science course, and whether it provides an authentic learning environment for students. The package of SoEL materials is sent to external reviewers from UBC, and they look over the writing and interview each of the candidates by Skype. At the end, the postgraduate certificate is awarded – a nice prize for all the hard work! More than the certificate, the program is rewarding from the perspectives it gives on all aspects of academics, and for having a chance to work closely with some of the best academics at the National University of Singapore. Our cohort, or batch, it shown below! I am also happy to share my Educational Leadership portfolio – the PDF file is available at this link: Bryan.Penprase.SoTL.Dossier.Jan.11.2016. I had a great experience with this course, and I am happy to answer questions for anyone interested in the program.