Mount Wilson Observing!

After fires delayed our viewing session during the Undergraduate institute, we rescheduled our Mount Wilson viewing for July 15. We had a fantastic group – over 30 people – that included a mix of our summer undergraduate institute, friends of the program (Cameron Hummels, and Brian Brophy), and some friends of the students. It was a lively and magic evening. It felt as if we were transported back in time to when Edwin Hubble and Harlow Shapley were using this same telescope to measure the expansion of the universe and structure and size of the Milky Way galaxy!   The students had a fantastic time, and we saw the Moon, Saturn, Mars, the Ring Nebula, a Wolf Rayet star, and Albiereo through the eyepeice of the historic 60″ telescope.  Our night assistants, Giovanni, Bruce Padgett (with beret), and Tim Thompson, did a masterful job explaining the history of the telescope, its mechanical features, and guiding us through a wonderful star party. Below are some photos from the event!

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