Our photos from the 2016 ZTF Summer Undergraduate Institute are online! You can access pages that provide a gallery of photos from each of the days at Caltech, BBSO, or Pomona, as well as from our Palomar trip. The photo overview page gives links to each day’s photos. Also we have placed the PPT files for each of the talks at Caltech and at BBSO online. These talks are available at the ZTF schedule page – just after the listing for each speaker. Thanks to all who made this Institute an amazing experience! We are very grateful to the Caltech faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students, and to Loredana Vertere and Jay Pasachoff for their contributions. Also the Palomar staff and Tom Kupfer, our very generous 200″ observer made for a magical Palomar experience. And Natalie Hughes and Eric Bellm who made huge contributions in organizing the Pomona and Caltech parts of the program! Thanks!