ZTF resources

On this page are a number of useful resources for learning more about ZTF, the Zwicky Transient Factory. We include some of the technical presentations on ZTF, and an excerpt from our NSF proposal to help you learn a bit more about the project. There are also links to the ZTF web site and some of the data archive sites.

ZTF main site: http://www.ptf.caltech.edu/ztf

Overview of iPTF (Intermediate Palomar Transient Facility): http://www.ptf.caltech.edu/iptf

Interactive Tool for finding PTF data from IPAC: http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/ptf/

ZTF solar system marshall site (for newly discovered asteroids!): http://ptf.caltech.edu/marshals/asteroids/

iPTF Summer School (“boot camp”) web site (includes lots of very useful Python notebooks for ZTF data and talks about ZTF: http://phares.caltech.edu/iptf/iptf_SummerSchool_2014/srk_agenda.html

ZTF overview slides from Shri Kulkarni at 2014 iPTF summer school – “The new era of time domain astronomy” (PDF) (PPT)

ZTF overview talk from Mansi Kasliwal from 2015 ICCP9 Singapore meeting – “Transients in the Local Universe: Today and Tomorrow” (PDF) (PPT)

Palomar Observatory site:  www.astro.caltech.edu/palomar/

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