Photos – 2015

Our 2015 Caltech/Pomona ZTF Summer Undergraduate Institute brought together 14 undergrads from across the earth to have an intensive experience learning about time-domain astronomy, astronomical instrumentation, data analysis with Python and other software, adaptive optics, and CCD sensors. During the Institute, students toured Caltech instrument labs, observed with the Mt. Wilson 60″ telescope, heard a talk by Sean Carroll about the Higgs Boson at the Atheneum, visited Pomona’s adaptive optics lab, had clinics on adaptive optics, Swift GRB followup, Python image processing, and observed with Pomona’s Brackett Observatory!

You can see photos from our event in two batches. The first link shows the photos from the first two days at Caltech and Mt. Wilson (June 24+25):

The second link shows the photos from the two days at Pomona College (June 26+27):

You can click on the photos for larger downloadable full-sized images.

We also have a number of student contributed pages at our Facebook page which is at

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